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Friday 15 March 2013

Sample Mest 3 Response

Why do Media institutions rely so heavily on new technology to market their products?

In the modern media landscape, new technology changes almost daily, and therefore institutions must keep up with the challenges posed and adapt accordingly.  Twitter for example is responsible for the successful marketing of most films today, and films will not only have their own characters ‘Tweeting’, but the institutions themselves will engage with the twitter landscape.  The post modern landscape means that reality and fiction are often blurred in the marketing of products; and audiences now want to engage tangibly with the narrative of the film.  They want to be a part of it.  The use of
facebook as a marketing tool is another key element of marketing for institutions.  Whilst browsing online and being simultaneously logged into facebook, your browsing preferences are recorded, and appear as adverts on your facebook page.  We are bombarded with adverts to make our lives better,  to increase our sense of well being, to reach the top of our hierarchy of needs.  Because of this daily diet of marketing, institutions must adapt and change to ensure that they are delivering the same, or better than their competitors.   The idea of Marxism and of the ruling classes dictating to us what is important, is reflected in the advertising and marketing industry, as the narrative that is created is consistently one of ‘commodities’ being the most important thing.  Institutions now will use phones to connect directly with their audience; essentially the gate keepers of information have been taken away, and now audiences can access the information from institutions about their products with much more immediacy. 

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